Vein Clinic

Varicose Vein Treatment Clinic
based in Marlborough

It’s common for people to first notice the development on varicose veins and consider how they look. This is understandable but it is also worth noting that our veins are critical to a healthy circulatory system. Left unchecked varicose veins can be responsible for painful cramps, aching, tired legs and restlessness at night. These symptoms can affect sleep and daily activities.

More serious varicose veins can lead to various problems, including skin discolouration, dermatitis and even ulcers.

Modern technology allows us to offer varicose vein outpatient treatment. Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGS), Venaseal Glue, and minimally invasive Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). All allow you to return to normal activities almost straight away. Treatments ‘close’ the malfunctioning veins, solving the problem without harm to the circulatory system; blood flow is rerouted to the surrounding healthy veins.

For Ultrasound-Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGS), we use specialist ultrasound equipment to guide injections of sclerosants. This procedure permanently closes the vein.

The treatment is virtually painless, so requires no anaesthesia and takes just an hour. UGS can be less effective on larger veins, leading to a higher recurrence rate.

Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA) uses targeted laser energy to seal the vein shut. After administration of local anaesthetic, we insert a needle, then feed a laser fibre up through the needle into the vein. Once in position and after further local anaesthetic, the fibre with its laser light is slowly withdrawn. This process shrinks and seals off the vein.

This treatment takes approximately an hour and has a 99% success rate (even after five years, and the studies are now out to 15 years).

Additionally, it offers immediate relief from physical symptoms. The benefit of EVLA is that it is a ‘walk-in, walk-out’ procedure. Most patients say (after initial normal trepidation), “I don’t know what I was worried about!”

The VenaSeal closure system uses a proprietary medical adhesive delivered endovenously, treating and closing varicose veins.

While it may not be suitable for every client (we have some restrictions, especially in those patients with allergies), if this solution is appropriate for you, it does have a couple of advantages not found with other varicose vein treatments.

Unlike other varicose vein treatments, using the VenaSeal closure system means that there is no requirement to wear compression stockings following your procedure.

If this treatment is suitable for you, it may please you to know there are no restrictions on travel; you can hop on a plane immediately after treatment.

You will need fewer injections as no tumescent anaesthesia is necessary.

What are varicose veins?

Varicose veins may develop through a combination of underlying factors; weakened vein walls, high venous pressures, and faulty valves. Healthy valves open to allow blood flow, then close to stop it flowing backwards. When this simple pump system malfunctions, the blood pools, creating the bulging, knotted look associated with varicose veins.

Are some people more likely to get varicose veins than others?

Varicose veins can affect anybody regardless of gender or age. Not just seniors get varicose veins; we’ve treated patients in their twenties.

Many factors increase the risk of developing varicose veins, including excess weight, hormonal changes, and lifestyle factors. But the leading causes of why you will develop varicose veins over another person who won’t all boil down to the genetic card life deals you! If your parents or grandparents have suffered from varicose veins, there is a higher likelihood that you will too.

Are all varicose veins visible?

Some people may have visible symptoms. Varicose Veins can present as bulging, blue-coloured ropey cords running beneath the surface of your skin. But varicose veins are not always visible, as they can be located deeper in the leg. Some non-visible signs to look out for are achy, heavy, tired, or restless legs, which are crampy or tingly, particularly at night.

Why are varicose veins a problem?

If you ignore your varicose veins, you increase your risk of developing more severe health issues; these include hyperpigmentation, lipodermosclerosis, and venous leg ulcers, among other issues.

How do you treat my varicose veins?

We offer non-invasive, walk-in, walk-out outpatient treatment. Ultrasound Guided Foam Sclerotherapy (UGS), Venaseal Glue, and gold-standard Endovenous Laser Ablation (EVLA). All these treatments ‘close’ the malfunctioning veins, solving the problem without harm to the circulatory system; treatment ensures we re-route blood flow to the surrounding healthy veins.

How do I know which of the treatments is suitable for me?

We offer complimentary, no-obligation Varicose Vein Assessments with Ultrasound Mapping
in Blenheim at the Churchill Specialist center.

How much will the treatment cost?

After your consultation, we’ll provide you with a quote for the cost of your treatment. This also includes your follow-up consultations for twelve months.

Will I get covered under my health insurance policy?

We are an Affiliated Provider to Southern Cross Health Society for Endovenous Laser Treatment and Ultrasound Guided Sclerotherapy. We are also accepted for cover by NIB, Sovereign, FMG, UniMed, Accuro and OnePath.

Where can I have treatment?

Varicose vein treatments are performed at the Churchill Private Hospital in Blenheim.

Will the treatment hurt?

The treatment is carried out under local anaesthetic and is virtually painless. You may experience minor pain or discomfort post-treatment as the local anaesthetic wears off.

How long does the treatment take?

Generally, it takes around an hour, but sometimes a little more, depending on individual circumstances.

Will I need more than one treatment?

A small percentage of people require a second treatment on the same veins. If you’re one of the few people that do, we will let you know at your follow-up consultation. Because we offer a package price, this is all covered in your initial treatment quote.

I have varicose veins in both my legs, can I have them treated simultaneously?

Unfortunately, not, we will need to book multiple treatments with suitable recovery time intervals in between.

How soon will I see and feel the results of my treatment?

Your varicose veins will have disappeared within 2-3 weeks, but what the veins look like afterwards varies from patient to patient. Yours may be gone entirely, or you may still have some lumpy tenderness within the veins. Most patients say the painful symptoms associated with varicose veins are better almost immediately.

Will my varicose veins return?

Our non-invasive, walk-in, walk-out varicose vein treatments are highly effective. EVLA has a 99% success rate (even after five years, and the studies are now out to 15 years).

No varicose vein treatment comes with a lifetime guarantee. Over about 40 years, most people will get some recurrence of their varicose veins, or new veins may surface. But in the short to medium term (5 to 10 years), 70% and 85% of people remain varicose veins free.